Two-Faced German Baby Attributed To Gebruder Heubach
Two-Faced German Baby Attributed To Gebruder Heubach
What we have here is a two-faced German baby featuring a bisque head with molded, light brown hair that turns to reveal two separate facial expressions. One face features a happy, smiling baby with blue-painted intaglio eyes and an open/closed mouth with molded tongue, while the other side of the face portrays an unhappy baby with wrinkled brows and a down turned open/closed mouth. There is a small hole above each ear (minor chipping to left hole.) He is on a composition body in good condition save minor age related wear and a torso that appears to have been repainted. Hands and feet possess non-original red painted details. An antique cotton romper in a whimsical children’s pattern completes the presentation of this unique and charming doll. Head incised: S370 8/0
Measures 8” tall.