Eden Bebe Size 11
Eden Bebe Size 11
24 ½” Eden Bebe in a grand size 11, details of this character-filled young lady, who hails from the S.F.B.J. years, include a perfect bisque head with fine painting, deep brown paperweight eyes, an open mouth showing a row of upper teeth, pierced ears, and a gorgeous, brunette, mohair wig styled in long curls. On a fully-jointed composition body, it appears to have been given a repainted finish at some point in its life, but the work is excellent.
A winning combination of cream satin and taffeta, abundant lace, and deep red piping and ribbon bow accents form the basis of this bebe's spectacular ensemble. A lovely chapeau and Alart shoes in size 11 add even more to the overall appeal.
A seldom found model in a gorgeous presentation -- what could be better?